Friday, February 22, 2008

Word of the day: Skintle

(′skint·əl) (civil engineering) To set bricks in an irregular fashion so that they are out of alignment with the face by ¼ inch (6 millimeters) or more.

This word is fairly new because it's not in Webster's Unabridged, even in the new-word section. Tip of the cap to Brian "Wretch" Santo for calling this out. His house is apparently one of only a few in his city that's skintled.


Brian Santo said...

OED has a citation from 1889.

Only sissies refer to Webster's as the ultimate reference on word origin. I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...


Greeley's Ghost said...

I'm just saying... there's a new york-ism if ever there was one. At least with Webster's i can read it without glasses (barely).



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