Thursday, February 14, 2008

Word of the day: Imputrescible

On the "other" blog I wrote, in part, about the joys of serendipity that the printed word has over digital. Such was the case the other day when I was searching for the definition of a word and stumbled across imputrescible.

adj. not liable to decomposition or putrefaction; incorruptible.
It's from the Latin putresc(ere), to grow rotten.

Example? The last thing one could characterize Roger Clemens' testimony before Congress this week was that it was imputrescible.


Brian Santo said...

For the first time in my life, I came across the word "putrescible" (in an article in the February Harper's).

I didn't have to look it up.

Plate o' shrimp.

Greeley's Ghost said...

There are no coincidences.



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